Poet Illustrator

Here is a picture of The Handmade Book made as an Art School Project by my mother when she was at King Edward VII School of Art in Newcastle.

The grandfather who was killed during WWI illustrated several published poetry books. Listening to poetry read aloud was my introduction to many poets, maybe that is why I love reading aloud myself. There are poems available to be viewed on my links page.

My own writing took off after my husband died in 1996.

If you click on the images through the site you may find a poem hidden behind a textile introducing the piece of work or has been inspired by it.

I love the fusion of words and visual art.

“We both loved your Anatolian Journey poems : rich in wisdom, generous in love; wise in counsel; deep in thought; subtle in direction, bursting with. intuition; sensual and seemly; and oh, so sparse with words.
The enchantment, there in the poems, worked its magic through your lovely illustrations and choice of paper which took me back to more glorious days in publishing when people smelled and caressed their paper before committing it to be stamped upon and rollered.”

(Michael Devenish, formerly, International Sales Director, Dorling Kindersley).